Are you looking to watch A Vampire's Tale full movie streaming?. You have got come to right place. Download as many as you prefer and watch them on your personal computer.
A Vampire's Tale released in theaters on 2011-10-17. This movie is amongst the best [Horror] genre, within 90 minutes and rating: 5.
Synopsis A Vampire's Tale
In the Old West, the assassination of an ageing cowboy is thwarted by a sultry vampiress, the would-be killer left for dead in the dust. A hundred years later an ancient obsidian mirror, long unearthed from the Mesopotamian desert, is liberated from an American collector's vault and illegally transported to Europe. Jacob, an unscrupulous antiques dealer, moves to a remote farmhouse with his pregnant young wife, Lauren, and his difficult ward, Rachel. His goals are clear: to pass this near-priceless mirror to the highest bidder, and to prevent these two women from ripping each other apart. Nearby, a beautiful ornithologist, in nocturnal pursuit of the Screech Owl, is disturbed in her hide by a couple of noisy hikers. Her efforts ruined, she joins them by their campfire, but when one of them is mysteriously mutilated in the woods, she and the other are forced to flee and seek refuge at Jacob's farm. Something has been unleashed into the dark of that night...
Darkness is your only friend
A Vampire's Tale Posters
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